Kaligua argo tourism is tourism tea plantations in the highlands with potential means of support followed by the beautiful nature and cool.
Kaligua agro tourism is located in the Village Pandansari, District Paguyangan, Brebes or about ten kilometers from the City District Paguyangan. Locations of these attractions can be overcome by using overland transportation routes through pantura Brebes or Tegal-Bumiayu. As for the direction of the path south, visitors can travel through the Navan-Paguyangan. With the natural beauty of beautiful and cool weather, visitors can enjoy a number of tourist sightseeing options, such as seeing the beauty of the summit of Mount Slamet, Japan Cave site, Tuk Bening, Wind Cave, tea gardens and the tomb of the founder of the Van De Jong.
Kaligua tea plantation located at an altitude of 1200 - 2050 m above sea level. Air is very cold conditions, ranging from 8 ° - 22 ° C in the rainy season and reached 4 ° -12 ° C in the dry season. So do not be surprised if the tea plantation area is almost always shrouded in thick fog. The tea plantation is located on the western slopes of Mount Slamet (3432 m asl) which is the second highest mountain on Java island after Mount Semeru. From one place in the tea plantations Kaligua we can enjoy the beauty of the nearby mountain peak Slamet, the peak Sakub. Well if the Kaligua the time to enjoy the beautiful panorama of beauty, as well as we can see the beauty of the mountain Ciremai, Tegal, and Cilacap.
Kaligua tea plantation is a legacy of Dutch colonial government. The plant was built in 1889 to process the results directly into black tea plantation. This garden is managed by a Dutch citizen named Van De Jong is a Dutch company named John Fan & Pletnu representing NV Culture plantations. In recognition of the Van De Jong's tomb is still preserved until today in Kaligua garden location.
Development is said at the time of the factory, the workers brought into the boiler of Paguyangan Kaligua taken within 20 days. The equipment was brought by a group of workers who walk along the 17 mile ride. During the transportation process, the workers at rest were entertained by art ronggeng Banyumas. Until now every commemorate the anniversary of the factory Kaligua every June 1, always displayed the traditional arts.