Benefits Leaves Greeting

Benefits Leaves Greeting or ‘daun salam’ - Bay leaf is a leaf from Indonesia are generally often used as a spice variety of Indonesian cuisine, such as food desert (rendang) and so forth. For those of you who already know him would have been aware of the function in cooking. But did you know that apparently leaves also have a lot of benefits to cure various disorders and health problems. What are the benefits?

Leaves Salam (Syzygium polyanthum) is a type of plant called leafy tree-shaped, up to 25 m, riding roots, stems round, slippery surface. Single leaf, lies opposite, 0.5-1 cm long stemmed. Leaf blade oblong shape to elliptical or egg Undar breech, pointed tip, base tapering, flat edge, 5-15 cm long, 3-8 cm wide, pinnate pinnate, smooth top surface dark green, lower surface light green color. 

Leaves aromatic when crushed. The flowers are arranged dala panicles compound interest coming out of the ends of twigs, white color, smells wonderful. Buni fruit fruit, rounded, 8-9 mm diameter, green in color when young, after parents became dark red, it feels somewhat Sepat. Seeds round, cross section of about 1 cm, color brown. Parts used are leaves, bark, roots and fruit. Chemical Ingredients: Essential oils, tannins, flavonoids. These plants have properties to treat diarrheal diseases, diabetes, ulcers, drunk Alcohol, scabies and itching complaints. 

leaves greeting

How to use?

  • Diarrhoea: 15 g in the wash bay leaves, then boiled with one cup water for 15 minutes. Add a little salt. After chilling filtered and drunk.
  • Diabetes: 7 bay leaves washed, then boiled in 3 cups water until remaining 1 glass. After a cold, filtered, diagi for 2 times drinks.
  • Ulcer Pain: 15-20 leaves washed, boiled with ½ liter of water to boiling. Add brown sugar to taste. Drink as a tea every day, until the full flavor and tenderness in the stomach disappeared.
  • Alcohol intoxication due to: 1 handful of ripe fruit greeting washed, then ground into powder. Squeeze and strain, and drink.
  • Scabies and Itching: The leaves or bark or roots, washed, and finely ground until it becomes dough like mush. Apply to the sore spot. 

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