The first explanation, to obtain an attractive appearance, pots and plants that grow in it should form a harmonious unity. The type, shape, and size of the pot should be tailored to the type, shape, and size of plants.
good planting can be done with the following steps:
1. Choose a plant pot with holes 'drainage' is enough, shape, type, and size according to the type of crop to be planted and the pot will be placed.
2. Choose an appropriate planting medium with plants and free of plant pests.
3. Filling the planting medium into the pot can be done by:
a. put broken tiles on the bottom of the pot so that 'drainage' can be done well.
b. Fill the planting medium around a third of the pot.
c. enter the plant and try to keep the media from sticking to the plants, so plants do not
experience 'stress' at adapting to the conditions and the planting of new media.
d. Add the growing medium while holding the plant with one hand. after almost full, press
the planting medium slowly with the thumb so that the plants can stand firmly. pots
should not be filled to the brim, reserving or empty about 2 cm from the lip of the pot
so that it is easy to do watering.
e. watering plants adequately. clean the outer walls and bottom of the pot before it is
placed in the desired location.
Thus explanations about the proper way of planting.
source book, Pelajaran Bahasa Indonesia , Nurhadi - Dawud - Yuni Pratiwi
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