Kingdom of Kutai - 5th century BC


Kutai kingdom is the oldest Hindu kingdom in Indonesia, established in about the year 400 AD. Kutai kingdom located in Muarakaman, on the banks of the Mahakam River, east Borneo.
News of the Kingdom of Kutau can be known from 7 different shaped Yupa inscriptions, which were found in Muarakaman. Yupa inscription is inscribed stone monument that is used as a binding that will be offered animal sacrifices to the gods. Inscriptions are written with letters Pallawa and Sanskrit. King first named Kudungga, later replaced by Aswawarman.
Kutai is the greatest king of Mulawarman, who had presented a thousand oxen, to the Brahmins at the place called "Waprakeswara". After the death Mulawarman, replacement and extension of the Kutai kingdom is not known with certainty.

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thanks for visit :)