The Origin of Semarang City

Once, in the Sultanate of Demak life of a prince, named Made Pandan.
He had a son named Raden Pandan Arang. That said, Raden Pandan Arang known as a good boy. He was very respectful to his father and was always obedient to his orders.
One day, the prince invites Prince Made Pandan Pandan Arang away from the sultanate of Demak. They walked toward the west.
After several days they walked, they came in somewhere. Feeling fit with the place, they then open up the forest and established settlements. The prince set up a boarding school and to broadcast the Islamic religion there.
Father and son lived very happily in place. However, their happiness did not last long because the Prince Made Pandan died.

Before he died, the Prince had told his son, Raden Pandan Arang. "O my child after me later, do not despair. Go ahead our struggle. Never you go from here. Build the region as possible!".
The message is always remembered by Raden Pandan Arang.
After the death of his father, Raden Pandan Arang kept trying to organize and cultivate the area as well as possible. His efforts were not in vain. From day to day, that the more fertile areas. All kinds of plants can thrive there.
Unsurprisingly, then more people came to settle there. They later became the disciple and follower of Raden Pandan Arang.
One day, Raden Pandan Arang and his followers witnessed a rarity, on the fertile land, on the sidelines of the verdant trees, grow some of the tamarind tree. Surprisingly, the tamarind trees that grow away from each other, and it is very rare.
"O my brothers, let you watch," said Raden Pandan Arang his followers.
"You see. On the sidelines of the trees are lush tamarind trees grow," said Raden Pandan Arang.
"Oh, yes. Yes," replied several of his followers.
"But strange," muttered Raden Pandan Arang.
"What's so strange, Prince?" Asked the astonished some of his followers.
"Weird. The trees were far from each other acids, but fertile soil here. Should tamarind trees that grow close together. Is not that weird thing?"
"Yes, yes Raden. It's weird." Said some of his followers.
Raden said Pandan Arang "(Javanese: Mula iku sedulur, pada seksenana. amarga ing kene thukul wit asem kang arang-arang, leladan iki tak jenengke Semarang. Yoiku saka tembung asem kang arang-arang) Therefore, brethren, you as a witness. because here the trees grow a rare sour, I call this area of ​​Semarang, from the word 'Molten' is rare. "
Since then the city of Semarang stand. As the founder, Raden Pandan Arang company leader in the city of Semarang. Later on, he has the title of Raden Pandan Arang I.
After he died, he was succeeded by his son, Raden Pandan Arang II. Under the leadership of Prince Pandan Arang II's city of Semarang had great development. Then by the Sultan of Pajang Hadiwijaya, Semarang regency made. Raden Pandan Arang II became the first regent.
Raden Pandan Arang II led the city of Semarang with the wise and prudent. Semarang became increasingly prosperous, and people's lives more prosperous.
On the advice of his teacher, the Sunan Kalijaga of Demak, Raden Pandan Arang II resigned. He was succeeded by his son. Raden Pandan Arang II and his family then left the city of Semarang, walk south, past the Salatiga and Boyolali. Finally they reached the hill Jabalkat in Klaten area. In the area Raden Pandan Arang II spread the religion of Islam. He managed to unite the southern region of Central Java and earned his Sunan Tembayat. After his death, he was buried atop Mount Jabalkat.

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thanks for visit :)