National Revival 1908

At 1908, the efforts undertaken by the national awakening of Indonesia is to build various kinds of political organizations, in addition to organizations engaged in educational and social. organization as the first pioneers was Budi Utomo on 20 May 1908. Those who joined the organization began to pioneer a new path towards achieving the ideals of the
struggle of Indonesia, the famous characters are Dr.Wahidin Sudirohusodo. And then sprung another movement organizations, namely Sarikat Islamic Trade (1911), and then metamorphose into Sarikat Islam (1911) under the leadership of HOS Tjokroaminoto. Next came the Indische Partij (1913) with leaders of Douwes Dekker, Cipto Mangunkusumo, and Ki Hajar Dewantara. But because it is too radical leader in the waste abroad (1913). However, the struggle not recede because of the founding of the National Party of Indonesia (1927) pioneered by Sukarno and his friends.

source book, Pendidikan Kewarganegaraan , Roomsari T. P.

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