Batik Kliwonan Village

Batik Kliwonan Village area is located about 12 Km Kliwonan south of downtown Sragen or 15 km east of Solo. This area, the road is paved and can be skipped hotmix various types of vehicles to reach the location.
Batik Kliwonan Tourism Village was also awarded the beauty of nature is still beautiful and thick with a rural atmosphere, friendly locals and remain steadfast to maintain its authenticity as martial arts, shadow puppets, art tambourine, and sebagaimnya.
Location of Village Tourism Kliwonan stretched across five villages in two districts, namely Jabung and Gedongan in Plupuh and Pila, Kliwonan, Sidodadi in Masaran, villages were on the left and right of the Solo river basin, so-called product Girli Batik (Batik Pinggir Times) .
Batik-growing region Tourism Village Kliwonan do this, is the largest center outside the cluster of Surakarta and Yogyakarta. Produksibatik in terms of quality, this area was ranked third in the region of Central Java, after Pekalongan and Surakarta.
Village Tourism in Batik Kliwonan, tourists can easily distinguish the batik with batik motifs Sragen of other areas. Batik artisans at work pouring ordinary Kliwonan to various types of fabrics with different production techniques. This type of fabric used, among others, are woven with silk and manual machines, cotton, and primisma. Craftsmen in Sragen batik techniques generally produce stationery, stamps, printing, and combinations thereof.
Besides batik at Batik Kliwonan Tourism Village area there are also a valuable cultural attractions and religious history. the tomb and petilasan Joko Tingkir in the Village took the pilgrimage site for the community. For tourists Sangiran photography enthusiasts, Tourism Village Kliwonan Batik is the right choice because it found many exotic locations.

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thanks for visit :)